That was not the classroom I sat in, but pretty close. |
That was the set-up for one of the best academic courses I have taken. Ever.
HSCI E-113 Science, Technology, and the Good Society (21314) (Syllabus)
Peter Buck, PhD, Senior Lecturer on the History of Science, Harvard University.
Graduate seminar. 4 units. Graduate credit $1,325. Limited enrollment.
Thursday, Jan. 31, 5:30-7:30 pm, 51 Brattle Street, Room 219. Spring term
Seminar on the hopes and fears associated with scientific and technological change since the beginning of modern times. Ideas about how advances in science and technology will improve the human condition in the future. Explanations of why technical progress has not produced promised social and political benefits in the past. Readings include classic descriptions—More, Bacon, Condorcet, Mill, Marx—of what the good society will look like, when and if it arrives, and classic accounts—Hobbes, Weber, Veblen—of why expectations have not yet been met and, perhaps, cannot be realized.
Francis Bacon's is way smarter than you. |
The aim of the course was to figure out, by close reading, exactly what they were saying and why they might be saying it, not to claim that Mill or Marx were "wrong."
We were not allowed to go beyond the text and bring in contemporary or personal assessments.
Such constraints were liberating and led to spirited discussions that he marvelously kept in check.
I admit to having many moments of... "This is why I love higher education!"
Alas, with e-readers and social networking sites ... students cast as consumers and faculty doubling as entertainers ... and the glow of the screen replacing the quite white of pulp and ink ... this throwback to a simpler time in academia may be in jeopardy.
In fact, according to two thinkers, the entire American higher education system is in a crisis. Harvard Business School's Clayton M. Christensen and his co-author Michael B. Horn believe all is not right in the ivory tower.
More fundamentally, the business model that has characterized American higher education is at—or even past—its breaking point.Christensen, the guru on disruptive innovation, believes that with the advent of online learning, even venerable institutions like Harvard are vulnerable. That said, he's excited about what's to come.
What is exciting about this emerging reinvention it that it has significant potential to help address the challenges facing American higher education by creating an opportunity to rethink its value proposition—its cost and quality.The ease of creating and distributing content (just look at the fantastic TED talks or MIT's Open Courseware or CS 50 right here at SEAS) have the potential to down costs while at the same time upping distribution. That may sounds like higher education should embrace the Walmart model---philosophy for 50% off and name-brand professor for less!
Christensen is, however, not suggesting that the popular for-profit online educational institutions of the day (many of which are now under attack for their aggressive recruiting methods and questionable outcomes) are the model. Instead, places like Harvard should embrace the new frontier and help set the standards for Higher Ed 2.0.
A case-in-point is Stanford's radical move to open up a popular course in Artificial Intelligence to anyone who wishes to take it. Here's the kicker: all the virtual participants can submit homework, take exams, and receive a grade. All eyes are going to be on that class for sure.
Before we move into an argument on the pros and cons of online learning, the sacredness of the campus, the idyllic professor-to-student experience (as I revelled about above), I'd like to take a step back.
"Former lecturer" Eric Mazur in action. |
Professor Mazur has been on a mission to disrupt another type of tradition: the lecture.
In "Farewell, Lecture" (Science Magazine), he talks about his personal discover that his teaching, for lack of a better word, stunk. He writes:
My lecturing was ineffective, despite the high evaluations ... The traditional approach to teaching reduces education to a transfer of information ... However, education is so much more than just information transfer, especially in science. New information needs to be connected to preexisting knowledge in the student's mind. Students need to develop models to see how science works. Instead, my students were relying on rote memorization.In short, the students in his intro physics course were not learning. They could not apply basic concepts to new problems. Mazur, thinking as a scientist would, decided to apply the same methodology he used in the lab to the classroom.
Since this agonizing discovery, I have begun to turn this traditional information-transfer model of education upside down. The responsibility for gathering information now rests squarely on the shoulders of the students. They must read material before coming to class, so that class time can be devoted to discussions, peer interactions, and time to assimilate and think. Instead of teaching by telling, I am teaching by questioning.
Mazur went one step further, not only abandoning the traditional lecture, but bringing in whole new ways of engagement. He was an early adopter of clicker technology---a way for students to answer questions in real time and then see individual and class results in real time. Now he has moved onto mobile devices and is even using GPS to track how clusters of students tackle a given problem or how certain students influence other students and either help or hinder one another to the correct answer to a problem set.
Mazur will soon take a sabbatical to help refine his teaching methods and empower other faculty at Harvard, especially in the sciences and engineering, to integrate his methods into their courses. He warns, however, that the technology is not the game-changer.
However, it is not the technology but the pedagogy that matters. Unfortunately, the majority of uses of technology in education consist of nothing more than a new implementation of old approaches, and therefore technology is not the magic bullet it is often presumed to be.To quote Eric Clapton, "it's in the way that you use it." Meaning, before we rush into a YouTube utopia for higher education, it might be wise to figure out what is and is not working in the traditional classroom set-up. After all, even if all courses end up online one day (which I think is very likely), they still need to be well-crafted and thought out.
In parallel to further exploring and implementing Mazur's findings, our dean is committed to putting more of our course content online and using technology to enhance teaching and learning (from virtual office hours to social networking sites). For engineers, this just seems natural---why not use the same technology you teach about to enhance teaching itself?
David Malan makes a profound point. |
David Malan, the hero behind the CS 50 revolution, will help lead the effort across the school and the entire College.
Malan has been incredibly smart in how he has used technology to enhance teaching. The aim is not to replace anything per se, but to find ways that an online video or a mobile app can help the student experience.
An online course selection tool developed through CS 50, for example, has transformed the way students shop and choose courses.
Virtual office hours have made it easier for undergraduates, many who keep odd hours, to connect. (In fact, one or our faculty now holds in-person office hours in the late evening, as that when the students are most likely to need the help.)
Sometimes by improving the basic clunky mechanics behind the educational engine, you get more bang for your buck than investing in a multimedia experience for a course on, say, Shakespeare.
In the case of the course I took from Professor Buck, he insisted that everyone come to class prepared, making a reaction paper (which he graded prior to the class) a requirement for entry. Such simple housekeeping kept the discussions focused and productive---and the solution was no-tech and free. Having taken dozens of courses, it still puzzles me that more professors do not adopt these simple solutions.
Online learning can be fun too! |
In the case of both the seminar format of Professor Buck and the online system offered by NEU, as Mazur advocated, pedagogy took the lead, and the right methodology and format followed.
I agree that disruption to higher education is coming. I'd even admit that it is likely needed. I was chatting with CS faculty member and Extension School affiliate Henry Leitner last night about putting courses online. While we both were extolling all of the benefits, he summed it up in a way that I had not thought of before. "This is simply a great way for Harvard to give back. To share its intellectual wealth with the world. It's the right thing to do."
Again, online learning, while disruptive, should not be seen as the substitute teacher (or the substitute academic experience).
Decision-theory guru Jonah Leher wrote a brilliant piece on social networking that gets to the heart of the matter in his assessment of social networking versus actual socializing.
This doesn't mean that we should stop socializing on the web. But it does suggest that we reconsider the purpose of our online networks. For too long, we've imagined technology as a potential substitute for our analog life, as if the phone or Google+ might let us avoid the hassle of getting together in person...
These limitations suggest that the winner of the social network wars won't be the network that feels the most realistic. Instead of being a substitute for old-fashioned socializing, this network will focus on becoming a better supplement, amplifying the advantages of talking in person.
For years now, we've been searching for a technological cure for the inefficiencies of offline interaction. It would be so convenient, after all, if we didn't have to travel to conferences or commute to the office or meet up with friends. But those inefficiencies are necessary. We can't fix them because they aren't broken.The point of Peter Buck's course on Science, Technology, and the Good Society, was just that, an exploration of "why expectations have not yet been met and, perhaps, cannot be realized." That should be kept in mind before higher education is given a reboot.